
The auditory anatomy of the Minke Whale (<em>Balaenoptera acutorostrata</em>): Insights into potential sound reception pathways in a baleen whale

ShareThis[1431] Yamato, M., D. R. Ketten, J. J. Arruda, S. R. Cramer, and K. Moore, "The auditory anatomy of the Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata): Insights into potential sound reception pathways in a baleen whale", 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, vol. Abstracts, Tampa, FL, Society for Marine Mammology, pp. 319, 11/2011. Get PDF:  Abstract.pdf (format PDF / 162 KB) Ken Norris first described a potential mandibular sound reception pathway in odontocetes in 1964. To date, sound reception paths in mysticetes remain unknown. To understand hearing mechanisms in baleen whales, a thorough examination of their auditory anatomy is required. This study combines classical dissection with biomed1cal imaging techniques such as X-ray, computerized tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRl) to describe the anatomy of the minke whale head with a focus on the ear region. Six individuals have been examined to date.
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