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The table below contains records of both marine animal stranding "beaching" incidents and CT scanning sessions at our facility. Each summary includes information about the location of the stranding as well as detailed information about the animal(s) that stranded or were CT scanned. Some records will contain links to postmortem necropsy and imaging reports and/or case photographs. However, we do not have permission from all authors to make some reports and/or photographs available to all registered users. You may contact us directly at: csi [at] whoi [dot] edu to access a report or photo not automatically available on the site. All reports contained on this website are for review purposes only and are not for public or commercial distribution without written permission from CSI and/or the primary author(s). Draft and summary findings should not be interpreted as conclusive nor cited without the proper consent of the primary author(s).

TBD = To Be Determined

N/A = Not Applicable

Specimen Data Records (click column header to sort or enter a term in the search box)

1444 records found.
CSI ID Stranding Datesort icon Date Received Field ID Classification Name Gender Age Stranding Location
A-jen02 Mon, 01/12/2008 MCZ 132506; Raja jenseni Fish Shorttail Skate (Jensen’s Skate) (Amblyraja jenseni) Unknown
M-sen01 Mon, 01/12/2008 MCZ 33919 Fish Smooth Skate (Malacoraja senta) Unknown
P-mot01 Mon, 01/12/2008 MCZ 607 Fish South American Freshwater Stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) Unknown
M-goo01 Mon, 01/12/2008 MCZ 119 Fish Southern Eagle Ray (Myliobatis goodei) Unknown
A-nar01 Fri, 16/03/2012 Fish Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) Unknown
R-cla01 Mon, 01/12/2008 MCZ 617 Fish Thornback Ray (Raja clavata) Unknown
A-pse01 Tue, 12/02/2002 Alewife 282 Fish Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) Unknown
A-pse02 Tue, 12/03/2002 Alewife 256 Fish Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) Unknown
O-tau09 Tue, 26/03/2002 Toadfish A Fish Oyster Toadfish (Opsanus tau) Unknown
O-tau10 Tue, 26/03/2002 Toadfish B Fish Oyster Toadfish (Opsanus tau) Unknown
P-anta01 Wed, 19/02/2003 Pluerogramma 01 Fish Antarctic Silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) Unknown
P-anta02 Wed, 19/02/2003 Pleuragramma 02 Fish Antarctic Silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) Unknown
P-ant01 Sat, 15/03/1997 Fish Lionfish (Pterois antennata) Unknown
E-ant01 Wed, 19/02/2003 Electrona 1 Fish No Common Name (Electrona antarctica) Unknown
C-bai01 Wed, 14/01/2004 Cottus bairdi #1 with eyes Fish Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii) Unknown
C-bai02 Wed, 14/01/2004 Cottus bairdi #2 without eyes Fish Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii) Unknown
C-cyn02 Cynodont #2 Fossil Cynodon (Cynodon sp.) Unknown Fossilized
C-cyn03 Fossil Cynodon (Cynodon sp.) Unknown Fossilized
M-flo01 377509 Fossil Dugong (Fossil) (Metaxytherium floridanum) Unknown Fossilized
M-flo02 356685 Fossil Dugong (Fossil) (Metaxytherium floridanum) Unknown Fossilized