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[1293] Ketten, D. R., "America's Grade of Shame", Live Better Magazine, Nov/Dec 2010, issue 7, pp. 4 pgs, 12/2010. Abstract
[68] Andre, M. C., C. Kaminga, and D. R. Ketten, "Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract]", Bioacoustics Journal, vol. 9, issue 3: Taylor and Francis in association with The British Library Sound Archive, pp. 220, 12/1998. Abstract
[68] Andre, M. C., C. Kaminga, and D. R. Ketten, "Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract]", Bioacoustics Journal, vol. 9, issue 3: Taylor and Francis in association with The British Library Sound Archive, pp. 220, 12/1998. Abstract
[68] Andre, M. C., C. Kaminga, and D. R. Ketten, "Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract]", Bioacoustics Journal, vol. 9, issue 3: Taylor and Francis in association with The British Library Sound Archive, pp. 220, 12/1998. Abstract
[5238] Ketten, D. R., J. Simmons, H. Riquimaroux, S. R. Cramer, and J. J. Arruda, "Critical Cranial and Cochlear Structures in Echolocators", 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 2012, Pt. 3, vol. 34: Institute of Acoustics, pp. 572-577, 07/2013, 2012. Abstract
[77] Ketten, D. R., "Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions", Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals, Woerden, The Netherlands, De Spil Publishers, pp. 391-408, 1995. Abstract
[77] Ketten, D. R., "Estimates of blast injury and acoustic trauma zones for marine mammals from underwater explosions", Sensory Systems of Aquatic Mammals, Woerden, The Netherlands, De Spil Publishers, pp. 391-408, 1995. Abstract
[6796] Ketten, D. R., Experimental Measures of Blast and Acoustic Trauma in Marine Mammals, , no. N000149711030, Woods Hole, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 1-18, 06/2016. Abstract