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Magazine Article
[1333] Nevala, Amy, E., "Investigating sonar and whale strandings", Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 38-41, 09/2009. Abstract
[1333] Nevala, Amy, E., "Investigating sonar and whale strandings", Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 38-41, 09/2009. Abstract
[1336] Johnson, M. P., "Playing tag with whales", Oceanus, vol. 43, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 57-58, 03/2005. Abstract
[1336] Johnson, M. P., "Playing tag with whales", Oceanus, vol. 43, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 57-58, 03/2005. Abstract
[1335] Tyack, P., "Run deep, but not silent", Oceanus, vol. 43, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, World Scientific, pp. 54-56, 03/2005. Abstract
[1332] livebetter Magazine, "Shattering sonar and similar misconceptions", livebetter, issue 5: livebetter Magazine, pp. 26-32, 10/2009. Abstract
[1332] livebetter Magazine, "Shattering sonar and similar misconceptions", livebetter, issue 5: livebetter Magazine, pp. 26-32, 10/2009. Abstract
[1332] livebetter Magazine, "Shattering sonar and similar misconceptions", livebetter, issue 5: livebetter Magazine, pp. 26-32, 10/2009. Abstract
[1330] Madin, K., "Supreme court wrestles with whales vs. sonar", Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 42-43, 09/2009. Abstract
[1330] Madin, K., "Supreme court wrestles with whales vs. sonar", Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 42-43, 09/2009. Abstract
[1331] Madin, K., "Turtle skulls prove to be shock-resistant", Oceanus, vol. 47, issue 2, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, pp. 36-37, 09/2009. Abstract
[17] Ketten, D. R., "Why do whales beach themselves? Are strandings increasing?", Scientific American, vol. 301, issue 4: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 96, 10/2009. Abstract
Journal Article
[68] Andre, M. C., C. Kaminga, and D. R. Ketten, "Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract]", Bioacoustics Journal, vol. 9, issue 3: Taylor and Francis in association with The British Library Sound Archive, pp. 220, 12/1998. Abstract
[1464] Mooney, A. T., S. Li, D. R. Ketten, K. Wang, and D. Wang, "Auditory temporal resolution and evoked responses to pulsed sounds for the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)", Journal of Comparative Physiology A Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, vol. 197, issue 12: Journal of Comparative Physiology A, pp. 1149-1158, 12/2011.