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[13] Arruda, J. J., D. R. Ketten, M. Yamato, and S. R. Cramer, "3D visualization of the odontocete melon using computerized tomography", 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec, Canada, 10/2009. Abstract
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[68] Andre, M. C., C. Kaminga, and D. R. Ketten, "Are low frequency sounds a marine hearing hazard: a case study in the Canary Islands [abstract]", Bioacoustics Journal, vol. 9, issue 3: Taylor and Francis in association with The British Library Sound Archive, pp. 220, 12/1998. Abstract
[1431] Yamato, M., D. R. Ketten, J. J. Arruda, S. R. Cramer, and K. Moore, "The auditory anatomy of the Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata): Insights into potential sound reception pathways in a baleen whale", 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, vol. Abstracts, Tampa, FL, Society for Marine Mammology, pp. 319, 11/2011. Abstract
[57] Moein Bartol, S., and D. R. Ketten, "Auditory brainstem responses of multiple species of sea turtles", Symposium on Environmental Consequences of Underwater Sound, San Antonio, Texas, 05/2003.
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[55] Ketten, D. R., "Beaked whale heads: is there a smoking sonar?", Symposium on Environmental Consequences of Underwater Sound, San Antonio, Texas, 05/2003. Abstract
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[82] Ketten, D. R., J. Lien, and S. Todd, "Blast injury in humpback whale ears: evidence and implications", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 94, issue 3 pt. 2, Denver, Colorado, Acoustical Society of America, pp. 1849-1850, 09/1993. Abstract
[6243] Cramer, S. R., D. R. Ketten, J. J. Arruda, R. Manchester, and M. Niemeyer, "Centralizing marine mammal stranding data: a web-based content management system", 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, Society for Marine Mammology, pp. 51, 12/2013. Abstract